Slow Cooking For Two By Cynthia Graubart

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Certainly the book is well-illustrated and it tends to draw the reader's attention in, starting with a relatively basic but clearly-written introduction to the art of slow cookery. However one feels that more could have been said
Do you want to get into this slow cooking lark, a means of cooking that is enjoying a bit of a renaissance presently? Whilst there is no shortage of "slow cooking" books available, does this relatively slim, colourful book have what it takes to stand out from the crowd?Certainly the book is well-illustrated and it tends to draw the reader's attention in, starting with a relatively basic but clearly-written introduction to the art of slow cookery. However one feels that more could have been said about the benefits of slow cookery, such as the ability to use cheaper cuts of meat and make greater household economies, backed up with clear examples. Perhaps greater focus on the dietary and health benefits on offer too, particularly when you consider that many people use "lack of time" and "lack of knowledge" as reasons for using factory-made microwaveable meals instead of batch cooking or cooking from fresh.
The recipes themselves seem to be a good, balanced selection split between the entire range of meal types, desserts included. Each recipe is concise and to-the-point but reasonably understandable even to an absolute beginner. It would have been nice for each and every dish to have had its own colour photograph, especially when you see the quality of food photography used within this book, to further underline some of the wonderful stuff you can make with your slow cooker.
Our usual niggles are to be found in this book. A lack of a clearly stated preparation and cooking time (the latter can be found by digging in the recipe) as well as the use of sole U.S. measures. Burying a small conversion table after the very detailed index at the rear is no solution. It just feels a pathetic sop to international readers.
It is hard to see, particularly with this book's price point, anything overly special with this book that would differentiate it from any other comparable slow cookery book. A good book but not an exceptional book, in other words.
Slow Cooking for Two: Basic Techniques Recipes, written by Cynthia Graubart and published by Gibbs Smith. ISBN 9781423633839, 160 pages. Typical price: USD20. YYYY.
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Slow Cooking
I know a lot of people think of a crockpot as a winter thing – full of chili or pot roast or beef stew. Fact is, a crockpot is great for cooking in the summer. You don't heat up the house, there's not standing over a hot stove, but you still get a hot meal at the end of the day. And you are certainly not limited to stews and chili; you can make seafood, vegetables, lasagna, even bake a cake in your crockpot. I have been having some fun, testing out new recipes for the coming months.Slow Cooking for Two: Basics, Techniques, Recipes is a very handy resource for single folks and small families, especially if they are new to slow cooking. There are excellent sections on tips for using a crockpot, cooking times, and equipment. The recipes really run the gamut – everything from Spiced Mixed Nuts (page 136) and Banana Bread (page 126) to Cornish Hen Dijon (page 54) and Mushroom Risotto (page 106). There is a great section of desserts – Vanilla Custard, Lemon Cake and Apple Crisp – as well as a good section on some recipe basics. I never thought of roasting garlic in the crockpot, but you would really get that low-and-slow taste with this method.
In my house, my crockpot is a stock machine – I make chicken stock, beef stock, vegetable stock, all in the crockpot. My favorite method is to throw all the ingredients in, pour boiling water over them, turn the crockpot on low and then go to bed; I wake up in the morning to a house that smells like heavenly and I'm ready to make a terrific soup or stew.
Probably the most interesting section for me was the chapter on "Double Dinners" – basically, take a big chuck roast or pork tenderloin, cut it in half, then make two dinners at once in the same crockpot. Of course, the secret is using those crockpot liners (terrific for sticky, messy dishes). you simply put half the meat in each bag, add the other ingredients, and place the closed bags next to each other in your big crockpot. It's perfect if you don't like eating the same leftovers day after day until they're gone. This way, you've got two entirely different meals.
All in all, a good reference with some great recipes. I like the Potato Gratin, the Pork Tenderloin with Cabbage, and I am looking forward to trying to Spinach Lasagna. My copy of Slow Cooking for Two: Basics, Techniques, Recipes came from my personal library.

I am going to look for some more books by this author, she seems to have lots of good recipes.
I bought this book because I was searching for a way to slow cook dinners in small portions. This book is perfect for that purpose. The recipes are yummy and the photos are handsome. There is a section suggesting how to stock up your pantry and also some useful kitchen accessories. I wasn't able to find a slow cooker that is the suggested 3 1/2 quart but I did find a four quart, so I use that instead.I am going to look for some more books by this author, she seems to have lots of good recipes.
I had allot of favorites here in the book including: Peanut Chicken, Asian Wings, Carmelized Onions, Mediterranean Chicken, etc.
The author has allot great tips to use again and again. Her cooking time guide will help you adjust family recipes for the slow cooker.
I look for
I love cooking in the slow cooker and this was the perfect book for meal. I loved these easily to prepare dishes to come home to after a long day. I love the smells once you come home and the only thing you need to do is serve.I had allot of favorites here in the book including: Peanut Chicken, Asian Wings, Carmelized Onions, Mediterranean Chicken, etc.
The author has allot great tips to use again and again. Her cooking time guide will help you adjust family recipes for the slow cooker.
I look forward to the authors next cookbook.

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Slow Cooking For Two By Cynthia Graubart
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